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Golden Rules Of Investment

12 GOLDEN RULES OF INVESTMENT Live by these 12 rules and let your money grow!  1) The past is irrelevant –   Do not rely on past performances and build castles in the air. Invest for tomorrow and live for today.  2) Opinions can hurt. Don’t ask too many people –   just don’t!! To each, his own. What works for someone else, may not work for you and vice-versa. Your investment plan should be as unique as the back of your hand. More importantly, it must suit you best.  3) Everyone’s journey is different. Understand yours. –   Do not invest if you’re not clear on the purpose. Do not draw parallels with other investors. Your need for investing, risk appetite, and nature of investments is of utmost importance. You need to understand what you are doing.  4) Don’t allow your ego to engage with professional advice –   Trust your financial advisor! Google can give you lots of information but your advisor will tell you what’s best for you. Listen and then act!  5) Overthinking will never allow


Different methods for single crystal growth

To grow a crystal, the basic condition to be attained is the state of supersaturation, followed by the process of nucleation. The information of supersaturation and nucleation forms the basis of crystal growth. The growth of crystals from liquid and gaseous solutions, pure liquids, and pure gases can only occur if some degree of supersaturation or supercooling has been first achieved in the system. The attainment of the supersaturated state is essential for any crystallization operation and the degree of supersaturation or deviation from the equilibrium saturated condition is the prime factor controlling the deposition process. 

Crystals are used in semiconductor physics, engineering, as electro-optic devices, etc., so there is an increasing demand for crystals. For years, Natural specimens were the only source of large, well-formed crystals. The growth of crystals generally occurs by means of the following a sequence of processes. Diffusion of the molecules of the crystallizing substance through the surrounding environment. Diffusion of these molecules over the surface of the crystal to special sites on the surface. Today almost all naturally occurring crystals of interest have been synthesized successfully in the laboratory. It is now possible only by crystal growth techniques. The growth aspect differs from crystal depending on their physics and chemical properties such as solubility, melting point, decomposition, phase change, etc, This chapter gives a brief account of the methods of crystal growth. 

To grow a crystal, the basic condition to be attained is the state of supersaturation, followed by the process of nucleation. The information of supersaturation and nucleation forms the basis of crystal growth.


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