
Golden Rules Of Investment


Live by these 12 rules and let your money grow! 

1) The past is irrelevant – 
Do not rely on past performances and build castles in the air. Invest for tomorrow and live for today. 

2) Opinions can hurt. Don’t ask too many people – 
just don’t!! To each, his own. What works for someone else, may not work for you and vice-versa. Your investment plan should be as unique as the back of your hand. More importantly, it must suit you best. 

3) Everyone’s journey is different. Understand yours. – 
Do not invest if you’re not clear on the purpose. Do not draw parallels with other investors. Your need for investing, risk appetite, and nature of investments is of utmost importance. You need to understand what you are doing. 

4) Don’t allow your ego to engage with professional advice – 
Trust your financial advisor! Google can give you lots of information but your advisor will tell you what’s best for you. Listen and then act! 

5) Overthinking will never allow you to start and not starting is certainly the end of your dreams – 
“Oh! The market is too low! I’ll invest later”. STOP! The best time to invest is now. When you’ve thought it, act on it! The more you think about it and have your doubts, the longer are you wasting time and squashing your corpus. 

6) Happiness is in goals and not “returns” – 
Truer words have not been stated. Invest in a goal and meet it. That is your success. There’s no point running behind returns and sidelining your purpose. You need to have your money when you need it the most. 

7) Your thoughts affect your investing. Keep fear and greed far far away – 
But be greedy when others are fearful. Invest when the market is down! Understand the market and see it as a friend. Don’t be afraid of it for you are in it for the long run and it will surely reap your rewards in the given time. Do not redeem unnecessarily. And don’t be greedy just because you can! 

8) Smile because you are blessed with the power of compounding – 
You’re building a corpus to retire happy! Your investments will take care of you. Investments have the power of compounding and it is working for you. So smile because you are on the right track.  

9)Kindness is free but the advice has a fee – 
You go direct, you are sure to land up in a maze without an out. Your investments need to have direction, let your advisor do what he does best – advice! The fee isn’t coming from you, for now. We make money only when your investments grow. So we are in this together! 

10) It’s ok to let go of national losses. Just move on and continue your investing journey – 
It’s absolutely A-Okay! Keep your eyes on the prize and stay invested. 

11)What you give to your investment comes back to you. Give it enough time and it gives you enough wealth – 
This is a promise! You let your money work for you and it surely will! You only need to be patient and consistent. 

12)Investment always gets wealthier with time – 
If you already invest actively, you know this is 100% true!


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