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Golden Rules Of Investment

12 GOLDEN RULES OF INVESTMENT Live by these 12 rules and let your money grow!  1) The past is irrelevant –   Do not rely on past performances and build castles in the air. Invest for tomorrow and live for today.  2) Opinions can hurt. Don’t ask too many people –   just don’t!! To each, his own. What works for someone else, may not work for you and vice-versa. Your investment plan should be as unique as the back of your hand. More importantly, it must suit you best.  3) Everyone’s journey is different. Understand yours. –   Do not invest if you’re not clear on the purpose. Do not draw parallels with other investors. Your need for investing, risk appetite, and nature of investments is of utmost importance. You need to understand what you are doing.  4) Don’t allow your ego to engage with professional advice –   Trust your financial advisor! Google can give you lots of information but your advisor will tell you what’s best for you. Listen and then ...

Get Rid of Ants And Bugs In Your House

10 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Ants And Bugs In Your House

How to get rid of spiders and bugs? In case you want to get rid of bugs and insects in your house and make your home pest-free without using stinking pesticides, there’s a solution just for you. To protect yourself and your family, follow some simple tips and use natural alternatives that are cheap yet super effective.


-Don't leave any food or drinks in open containers and get rid of all leftovers or make a trap out of a plastic bottle to get rid of cockroaches.

-Make a trap for fruit flies by placing a paper funnel into a glass jar with half a cup of apple cider vinegar ( ).

Mosquito Remedies

-Citronella ( ) and lemongrass ( ) essential oils are well-known repellents for mosquitos.

A DIY citronella candle choose a proper jar and using hot glue anchor a week to the bottom of the jar after that keep the jar in the oven at the lowest possible temperature if you warm the jar in advance the wax will be able to cool evenly melt until its liquid and clear and resembles olive oil then add about three drops of citronella essential oil pour the wax into the prepared jar and keep the wicks in the middle with the help of pencil or left over the chopsticks wait until the candle cools trim its wick a bit and light it up. Mosquito Protection Is On

Flies Remedies      

-The main thing you need to remember is that flies hate lavender ( ). Fresh orange peel is another super effective and cheap way to get rid of these insects.

Get sponge or small cloth and saturated with undiluted lavender essential oil place the sponge into a small jar and leave it unsealed somewhere in your house the flies won't like you for that but that's exactly what you want you can also make a spray with lavender oil by adding approximately 30 drops of lavender essential oil into a small spray bottle with water remember to avoid any skin contact with undiluted essential oils.

Some other option        

-To make ants understand that your house isn't the best place to hunt for food, mix a teaspoon of rubbing alcohol ( ), a teaspoon of dishwashing liquid and a cup of water, and pour it into a small spray bottle. Shake until it starts bubbling, and spray the area where you have found ant tracks.

-Spray the area infested with carpenter bees with citrus oil ( ) spray. To make it, place rinds of different citrus fruits in water and boil for 10-15 minutes.

-To get rid of wasps if they have already built a nest somewhere around your house, mix two tablespoons of dishwashing liquid with water and put it in a spray bottle. Spray it directly into the nest.

-Mix half a cup of water, half a cup of vinegar and a few drops of tea tree essential oil ( Spray it in all corners and wardrobes in your home to get rid of spiders.

-To get rid of bedbugs, add 10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil ( ) into a cup of water, shake well, and pour into a spray bottle. Spray your mattress and bedding to scare bedbugs away.

-The easiest and safest way to get rid of stink bugs is to use garlic spray. Mix 2 cups of water with 4 teaspoons of garlic powder ( ), shake well and spray all the plants and areas around your windows to keep them away.

List of product that you can purchase online for home remedies

For Citronella Essential Oils
for lemongrass Essential Oils
for lavender Essential Oils
for Rubbing Alcohol
for Citrus Oil
for Tea Tree Essential Oils
for Eucalyptus essential oils
for Garlic Powder
for Spray Bottle

Note:- to use given link just copy it and paste it to google search bar

If above remedies not worth it then just call us @ 9821-07-6565
don't forget the name


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